Author Archives: josemaria

El renacimiento del hardware (octubre 2012, Paul Graham)

(Translation of the Paul Graham’s Essay «The Hardware Renaissance») Octubre de 2012 Una de las ventajas de que Y Combinator centre el foco su foco en tendencias tempranas y de forma amplia es que podemos ver tendencias antes que la … Continue reading

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Como conseguir ideas para startups (Diciembre 2012, Paul Graham)

(Translation of Paul Graham’s essay «How to get startup ideas») Noviembre 2012 La manera de tener ideas para startups es no tratar de tenerlas. Es buscar problemas, preferiblemente problemas que te afecten. Las mejores ideas para startups tienden a tener … Continue reading

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Ideas para startups terroríficamente ambiciosas (Marzo 2012, Paul Graham)

(Translation to Spanish of Paul Graham’s essay «Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas») Marzo 2012 Una de las cosas más sorprendentes que he notado trabajando en Y Combinator es como de aterradoras son las ideas de startups más ambiciosas. En este ensayo … Continue reading

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How to get the rows and columns of a square matrix when you have an array

Yesterday I was reading the book Beautiful Code when I found out a silly, and even evident, way for  finding out the number of columns/rows of an square matrix when represented in an array. Just make the square root of the … Continue reading

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Manener un programa en tu mente (Agosto 2007, Paul Graham)

(Spanish translation of «Holding a program in one’s head» of Paul Graham) Agosto 2007 Un buen programador, que trabaja intensivamente en su propio código, puede mantener en su cabeza  todo un programa de la misma forma que un matemático puede … Continue reading

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Sanctum is a movie I really liked to watch. I love adventures, and if they are inspired y real life then I’m sold. This is the trailer: Sanctum was inspired by a real history, 13 people got trapped in 1988 … Continue reading

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“The unexamined life is not worth living for men” Interesting reflection on virtue and our modern world. Thinking has always been a dangerous activity done by brave men and women and distractions by amusements based on cheap fiction and feelings (violence, sex, laughing) is the best way to permanently … Continue reading

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I love gus gus

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OpenCV tips and tricks

Install: sudo apt-get install libavformat-dev libavcodec-dev libavfilter-dev libswscale-dev Download an compile OpenCV, it’s better and it takes only a few minutes to compile. OpenCV changed the API, all these examples that import “highgui” and “” and so are wrong! Now you … Continue reading

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