
Sanctum is a movie I really liked to watch. I love adventures, and if they are inspired y real life then I'm sold. This is the trailer:

Sanctum was inspired by a real history, 13 people got trapped in 1988 in one of the largest cavern systems in the world.   And I've the theory that the protagonist is clearly inspired by this man (really interesting talk anyway 😉 ):


It's not a easy movie to watch. It's realistict to the extreme and it's about surviving when there is no hope. People die in the movie in real situations. Even one of the specialists that appear in the movie died months later like one of the actors in the movie! To that level it's realistic.

From my point of view, James Cameron wanted to tribute to all the modern private explorers in this movie (he included). The protagonists are joking in one scene about how much more difficult is to be a underwater cave explorer compared to an astronaut, and after watching the movie you have to believe them. I cannot imagine an environment more dangerous in Earth than that.

A movie worth watching and an incredible adventure of survival and hope when everything else has failed.

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