Author Archives: josemaria

How to remove the "welcome" page in emacs

As simple as adding to your .emacs : (setq inhibit-startup-message t) Read on

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All watched over by machines of loving grace

I like to think (and the sooner the better!) of a cybernetic meadow where mammals and computers live together in mutually programming harmony like pure water touching clear sky. I like to think (right now, please!) of a cybernetic forest … Continue reading

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Of space shuttles and software

Today I found this article in News Ycombinator: I subscribe everything said in it as it’s inline with my experience in software. Engineers are most of the times too ambitious in their asumptions and Space Races has been a … Continue reading

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«We Really Don't Know How To Compute!»

Really interesting and eye opener talk by one of the greatest computers scientist of all times (in my modest p.o.v), Gerald Jay Sussman: If I’m still a developer and still find programming an intellectual experiences is thanks to him. … Continue reading

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IPython, ubuntu, pip and readline

So, you installed PIP in your Ubuntu system and then decided to install IPython using PIP (for example inside a virtualenv), just to discover that after installing ipython does not support autocomplete? The solution is to install the package libreadline-dev … Continue reading

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Book: Mining of Massive Datasets

I’ve downloaded the book «Mining of Massive Datasets», a free book on data mining and machine learning. You can download the book too in:   I’m really enjoying studying this book because it will not try to show you … Continue reading

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New books: Artificial Intelligence (a modern approach) and Reamde

Well, now I’ve my book for Stanford’s AI Class and it’s heavy as hell. As a bonus I’ve bought the new book by Neal Stephenson “Reamde”. Someone has to tell Mr. Stephenson that it’s possible to write a novel in … Continue reading

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Enrolled in Machine Learning Stanford… too!

Yes, I’ve enrolled in the Machine Learning Course of Stanford University. The thing is that I’ve studied Artificial Intelligence before and the AI class is like a refresher for things I’ve learnt before. But I’ve never took classes on Machine … Continue reading

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Android, Imap, SSL and self-signed certs

So, today I needed to access one of my emails accounts from my Android smartphone. I though it will be easy to configure it and tried many times but never worked. I was getting crazy until I found that: … Continue reading

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New books: Data Analysis and Calculus Made Easy

Two new books arrived from Bookdepository. Data Analysis Calculus made easy My story with “Calculus made easy” is a bit special. I was computing teacher for old people in a Spanish foundation years ago. One of my students was a … Continue reading

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