Author Archives: josemaria

David Deutsch: Chemical scum that dream of distant quasars

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Rsyslog not listening TCP on port 514?

Check if rsyslog’s configuration has the following lines: $ModLoad imtcp $InputTCPServerRun 514 $PrivDropToUser syslog $PrivDropToGroup syslog As the user syslog cannot listen on ports below 1024 in TCP. Rsyslog will not fail and will silently run without any drawback. You … Continue reading

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Good collection of quotes

In, like: Don’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats — Howard Aiken, IBM engineer  

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Need to debug a bash script?

Add the following two lines: set -x export PS4=’$LINENO ‘ And you will get the line number and the text of each executed line 🙂

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«The machine» compilation from Person of Interest TV Series

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Terminator and Ctrl+t in Ubuntu

For some reason I cannot understand fully there is a problem with the key <Ctrl> in Terminator. If you configure <Ctrl>+t, for example, for creating new tabs the configuration doesn’t works and is not saved. The problem is described here. … Continue reading

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Problems with GNU parallel in Ubuntu 13.04?

GNU parallel seems to not work properly in Ubuntu: bash$ seq 10 | parallel echo {} bash$ Where are my numbers? For fixing this «problem» (misconfiguration will be a better description) you need to comment an option that is implicit … Continue reading

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Installing postgresql 9.2 in Ubuntu 13.04 (2013 August)

Ubuntu doesn’t like PostgreSQL 9.2 because it breaks other packages (see explanation in stackoverflow). We need to use PostgreSQL own apt repository: prompt$ sudo sh -c  “echo ‘deb squeeze-pgdg main’ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pgdg.list” prompt$ wget –quiet -O – | … Continue reading

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Fix for the power management problem in Linux 3.10

I upgraded my Ubuntu 13.04 to the kernel 3.10 (so I can use a new USB 5Ghz WIFI card). As a consequence my computer no longer seemed to go into the «ondemand» mode and the fan was running all the … Continue reading

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Jenkins consuming all CPU while idle? You have the "leaping-second" problem

And the solution is simple: $ sudo date -s “`date`” Many people were drive crazy by this bug in Linux. For more information visit:

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