Author Archives: josemaria

Dlang: how to get the length of a SList or DList

D language developers decided that those structures are so simple that they should not maintain any kind of state. As a consequence you need to relay on external functions for finding out their length: import std.container; import std.range; import std.stdio; … Continue reading

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Icarians and Shakers, two approaches different results

A not very well know part of the history of the United States is that of the communes started there in their beginnings. I learnt about them thanks to Antonio Escohotado’s book «Los Enemigos del Comercio II: una historia moral … Continue reading

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Narcissistic design

37 minutes of pure gold.   Narcissistic Design – Stuart Halloway from Reaktor on Vimeo.

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Empiricism is not a matter of Faith

Scientists reproduce results; engineers build impressive and enduring artifacts; and theologians muse about what they believe but can’t see or prove. From «Empiricism is not a matter of Faith» (PDF)

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Vim + Fish = "E484: Can't open file /tmp/vRDNVqe/0" error

If you get errors in Vim like: E484: Can’t open file /tmp/vRDNVqe/0 It’s because you probably are using the Fish shell. The fix is simple, just tell Vim in the ~/.vimrc config file to use a different shell for running … Continue reading

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Skype and missing error solution

Just follow the instructions in:

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Scientific American: «Life on Earth Was Not a Fluke»

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30 Free Essays & Stories by David Foster Wallace on the Web

We started the week expecting to publish one David Foster Wallace post. Then, because of the 50th birthday celebration, it turned into two. And now three. We spent some time tracking down free DFW stories and essays available on the web, and … Continue reading

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The Atlantic: The Rise of the New Global Elite

To grasp the difference between today’s plutocrats and the hereditary elite, who (to use John Stuart Mill’s memorable phrase) “grow rich in their sleep,” one need merely glance at the events that now fill high-end social calendars. The debutante balls … Continue reading

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Bill Stone: The caves and the moon

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